Peace Songs

Peace Songs are projects that use the power of music to transform conflict. They include theme songs for television shows, studio recordings by popular musicians and live concerts that bring together opposing groups. Through music, messages of coexistence and peace are able to take root in places where conventional speeches or reports might not. Search for Common Ground and Common Ground Productions have produced numerous successful Peace Songs around the world.

About Peace Songs
Music is one of the most effective ways of moving people to action. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, so also is a song worth a thousand speeches. Music speaks to our emotions, so it taps into our senses of empathy and compassion--something that is absolutely vital when dealing with conflict. Song is also powerful for another reason: musicians are often local or national heroes, celebrities whose opinions are respected and heeded.

What's more, the potential for using music in different ways is nearly unlimited. A song can be a vehicle for a particular message, urging people to act in a certain way. The process of making music can also be exemplary of putting aside differences in order to achieve a common goal. And listening to music can highlight the common ground we share: seeing another person touched by the same music that touches you immediately humanizes him or her.

Most of the Peace Songs produced by Common Ground Productions speak to specific audiences regarding specific issues. However, they are also excellent examples of the successful use of media to transform conflict, and hence valuable educational tools.

Further information
For a list of CGP-produced Peace Songs, please click here.

Video - Peace Songs

A music video for "A paz e que o povo chama" ("People Are Calling for Peace"), a Peace Song produced by CGP in Angola during the civil unrest of the 1990's. It should be noted that the musicians involved belonged to both sides of the conflict, and that such public cooperation across political lines was very rare at the time. Lyrics in Portuguese; subtitles in English. Running time: 5 min.

One of several "peace songs" produced by Search for Common Ground/Common Ground productions. "In My Heart" is also the theme song from The Shape of the Future, a SFCG-produced documentary film about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. David Broza and Said Murad (two well-known Israeli and Palestinian musicians) wrote the song; it was performed by David Broza and Wisam Murad.